Easy to Grow Indoor Plants for Your Apartment

When you are trying to brighten up your apartment home, improve air quality, or just make it a more enjoyable place to be, then you need to add a few indoor plants. Get to know a few easy to grow plants for your apartment so that you can get started.



Aloe is not only a fantastically useful plant, but one that is extremely easy to grow inside. This is even true of a small apartment. All you need is a sunny window ledge or area to keep your aloe plant on. This succulent plant thrives in sunlight and temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. And best of all, if you have a sunburn or skin irritation that needs soothing, you can use your aloe leaves.

Snake Plant

If you want a indoor plant that is extremely low maintenance, then snake plant is the right choice for you. This plant tolerates neglect very well and has a dramatic vertical-growing appeal. On top of being easy to care for and looking great, snake plants also are great for air purification and filtration. At night, snake plant produces oxygen which can make it easier for you to breathe easily. It also filters toxins and other unwanted elements from the air life formaldehyde.

Now that you know a few plants to easily grow in your apartment, you can make your choices and start growing your own indoor plants.