How To Stay Active With Your Family

The next few months might be hectic for people with children because most of them will be getting loads of vacation time with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up. And that extra time at home means little ones complaining about being bored–a parents worst nightmare. In order to combat the complaining, here are three ways to stay active with your family during the holiday season.


Train for a race: most local races have runs for the entry family. The adults can run a 5 or 10K while the kids ages six and over can run youth 5ks, while the toddlers can run in a wibble wobble 1k races. Training is a wonderful way to spend time as a family.


Cut off the TV: let’s admit it, most of us spend way too much time in front of the television. Studies have shown that sitting is a detriment to your health, And since you probably sit in an office all day, while the kids sit in a desk at school, try cutting off the tv, which will force you to be more active.


Go outside: getting stuck in the routine of getting home from work and staying inside for the rest of the day can be easy. Make an effort to force yourself to go outside. You can go to a park, walk to the store or do a million other things that will get you moving around.